There have been numerous issues that the VBCOA has actively dealt with over the years. Here are just a sample of five of the more important issues that the VBCOA was actively involved in over the last decade. We provided a voice for the community and kept in communication with the membership on the following:

2010-19 and on-going:

Erosion of the beach banks, a hastily built revetment on Arthur, Baird Report
In 2010 we were hit with a weather bomb and the VBCOA responded to the aftermath.

  • The VBCOA were represented at most of the Council meetings during the tumultuous years following the weather bomb in 2010.
  • One of the reactions that needed swift addressing was a revetment that was placed on municipal property without permission and the case subsequently went to the courts. The VBCOA, other groups and other private individuals helped assemble a huge turnout of many, many hundreds of residents in response to the event at an overflowing church in Winnipeg to voice displeasure with the situation.
  • Pressure from the public at large and associations like ours managed to get council to put a moratorium on all future revetments and shoreline structures. Furthermore, any work to be done on the shorelines now must go through the SETC. (Shoreline Erosion Technical Committee)
  • Council finally came to a possible solution to the erosion issue with the hiring of Baird Coastal Engineering and science consultants. The VBCOA took part in many discussions around this issue.
  • Although the Baird report has not been acted upon for our shorelines as yet, we know there is a solution out there. However, it will take a lot of money to enact the recommendations.
  • The general consensus of the VBCOA was to accept a science based solution.
  • We are now actively keeping ourselves apprised of any further efforts to alter or build on the shoreline that violate the moratorium in place. We support and expect that the RM will respect jurisdictional boundaries and that Council will not authorize or permit any access  to the beaches for the purpose of building on Municipal Land under its jurisdiction that has not been previously approved by the SETC. Further we expect council to report any unauthorized work on the beaches or adjacent provincial lands to the electorate and should fully enforce the laws at its disposal.
  • As in the past, we will always be ready to mobilize and act quickly on behalf of the active beach using community in the restricted area, to protect our incredible sand beaches.

2013: Threatened closing of the doctors office. In 2013 the service provided by a doctor to RM was cancelled by council.

  • The VBCOA circulated petitions and eventually council relented.
  • A community committee was struck to facilitate operation of the doctors office.
  • We were without a doc for 1 summer.
  • Since then an ad hoc community committee has operated the clinic.
  • In 2019 alone, the doctor’s office saw 433 patients! Proof positive of its importance!

2013: Proposed Amalgamation

The NDP government of the day decided that amalgamation of municipalities was the ideal. The cottage owners in the 3 resort communities were NOT in favour.

  • The VBCOA were instrumental in keeping this issue before our members.
  • There were so many of us at the Legislature the day of the hearings, they had to extend the time limit for presentations to 11:00pm!
  • In the end the Government relented and the RMVB was not absorbed into Alexander.

2018: Water Plant Concerns

  • The VBCOA consulted and lobbied Council about concerns with the Water Plant and Distribution problems.
  • Passed on Member concerns about the safety of the water supply system.   

2018: Council Budget Concerns

  • A presentation was made to Council (delegation) about VBCOA concerns with the budgeting process.
  • Questioned the allocations within the budget, requesting a more transparent and consultative process going forward.

2015: Clean Environment Commission (CEC) Hearings on Lake Winnipeg Regulation (LWR)

VBCOA encouraged its members during the winter of 2015 to present or write to the Clean Environment Commission on Manitoba Hydro’s application to continue to regulate Lake Winnipeg.  

  • VBCOA sent out CEC reports as they became available. 
  • Many members did write and their efforts were important in the fight to improve the health of Lake Winnipeg.  
  • VBCOA presented to the CEC as well as many RMVB Councillors and the Reeve who all did an excellent job representing Victoria Beach.
  • Additionally, the former Reeve and current and former Councillor members also presented and their time, effort and experience with Lake Winnipeg were important for the CEC panel to hear.   The common thread between many of the presentations were lowering the upper limit for LWR, working to improve the health of the lake, further studies of the effects of LWR (Lake Winnipeg Regulation), a short term license for Hydro LWR, lowering the lake periodically to allow the lake & marshes to bounce back and Hydro needing to work with communities to fund responsible shoreline management plans.
  •   CEC hearings closed on May 8th, 2015.  The panel then had 90 days to complete their report and submit to the minister of conservation. 
  • VBCOA forwarded a link to the final report when it became available.
  • http://www.cecmanitoba.ca/hearings/33/index.html#5